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Kindly Note TestBag has now exclusive site for Law School Admission Test India (LSAT India) Entrance exam Online Preparation. Please click on for one stop on everything about LSAT India Exams Pattern, Syllabus, Question Bank & LSAT India Online Mock Test Series.

The sections on the LSAT India consist of one Analytical Reasoning section, one Reading Comprehension section, and two Logical Reasoning sections.

Analytical Reasoning Questions — These questions measure the ability to understand a structure of relationships and to draw logical conclusions about that structure. The test taker is asked to reason deductively from a set of statements and rules or principles that describe relationships among persons, things, or events. Analytical Reasoning questions reflect the kinds of complex analyses that a law student performs in the course of legal problem solving. 

Logical Reasoning Questions — These questions assess the ability to analyze, critically evaluate, and complete arguments as they occur in ordinary language. Each Logical Reasoning question requires the test taker to read and comprehend a short passage, then answer a question about it. The questions are designed to assess a wide range of skills involved in thinking critically, with an emphasis on skills that are central to legal reasoning. These skills include drawing well-supported conclusions, reasoning by analogy, determining how additional evidence affects an argument, applying principles or rules, and identifying argument flaws.

Reading Comprehension Questions — These questions measure the ability to read, with understanding and insight, examples of lengthy and complex materials similar to those commonly encountered in law school. The Reading Comprehension section contains four sets of reading questions, each consisting of a selection of reading material, followed by four to nine questions that test reading and reasoning abilities.

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